CFLO Airdrop to TrustSwap Community

3 min readJul 24, 2021

ChainFlowers will airdrop CFLO Tokens to 1000 random TrustSwap holders.

About Us

ChainFlowers is an Ethereum based platform for the creation and trading of Floral Arrangements NFT, Gifts, Crafts, Paintings and Photography , connecting a $100+ Billion dollar industry to the blockchain. Users will be able to easily create, buy and sell their artistic creations. A creator can bring their physical work to the blockchain by simply uploading the digital version of their creations. They will be able to determine the quantity they want to mint and sell them in the marketplace. Buyers will be able to store and view their NFTs in their wallets. Additionally, countries will be able to promote their culture, art, and tourism through our platform.

We are working closely with community leaders, government officials, and artists from around the world, to allow everyone to enter a global market.

Who is eligible to receive the $CFLO token airdrop?

We will choose 1000 random SWAP holders during the snapshot taken on July 23th @ 9:00 PM EST will be eligible to receive an equal portion of the airdrop.


July 24th, 2021

Why TrustSwap holders?

ChainFlowers core team were early investors in Trustswap, witnessing the amazing job their team have done. So far it has become a complete DeFi ecosystem from which ChainFlowers has benefited as well.

CFLO Liquidity and Tokens are locked in the TrustSwap ecosystem. ChainFlowers also used Mint to ensure our token is audited and safe. Our Seed and Private investors have also benefited from it by using Vesting contract to receive their presale tokens at their convenience.

This airdrop is a small token of our appreciation to the TrustSwap community for the amazing ecosystem they have built.

As the company continues to grow, so will the community rewards.

Our Team

Learn More About ChainFlowers and the CFLO Token

Stay tuned for more exciting news in the upcoming days and weeks, and ask your questions!



Whitepaper: Click Here

Telegram: ChainFlowers







CFLOW is an Ethereum based platform for creation and trading of NFTs. Available on iOS, Android and Web